Continuing the conversation – Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM)

Dear Editor

We have read with interest the article “Social-media- enabled learning in emergency medicine: a case study of the growth, engagement, and impact of a free open access medical education blog” (Carley et al. 2018) and the subse- quent letter of correspondence in response (Hoskins 2018).

As a medical student, as well as a practicing physician and medical educator, these articles both resonate with and raise important questions for us. Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM) has become a daily part of our profes- sional and educational lives. In an internal study within our institution, we found that undergraduate students esti- mated that they spent 47% of their time working outside of scheduled educational activities using FOAM resources. Yet, we are consistently confronted with the fact that there is very limited research evidence relating to its effectiveness and optimal usage….

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Paediatric Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM): Behaviours, trends and implications